July 19th rome to Sorrento


We are family of 5. 3 kids, 14, 13, 11. Looking forward to our trip. Hows the weather?


  • There are details about the weather you might expect on your tour in the Before You Go section of the tour page, or I am sure your children can show you how to use the many apps or websites that provide weather forecasts for any region you want to visit on the planet. I usually find it easiest to look at the expected weather norms for a tour I am interested in before I book in case it influences the decision to go at the time I was planning and then look up the ten day or one month forecast just before I leave for the tour, that's the best and most accurate thing to do.
  • We just came back from the July 4th trip. The weather was very hot, between 90-95 deg. F. The tour guides were great keeping everyone in the shade and not that much sun exposure. Every bus we took had plenty of bottled water. Rough the first day or so, but then everyone was used to it. We loved everything about this tour.

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