anyone on Aug 6th tour

I will be on the Aug 6th tour and looking for anyone on the tour. I leave early and am taking side trip to Isle of Skye and arrive at hotel on the 5th. Planning on trip into Glasgow on the 6th. Got tickets for 1 hour tour at 11, then walk around city before back on train to hotel.


  • We will be going next year in August. Please let us know about the Isle of Skye, days spent, tour company, etc.
  • Skye in August means midges, lots of them, so bad it is unpleasant to be outside especially in the evening, take bug repellent.
  • Yes, but I booked the trip for the Tattoo not the weather. I usually pick the best time of year to go on my trips and have been very lucky. I am leaving in 19 days. Using public transportation with a few day tours on Skye and after the tour going to Aberdeen by train and using busses to go to castles in area. Should be an exciting trip, now just have to hope for good weather.
  • My husband and I will be traveling to Scotland on the July 31st 2016 tour .... but will arrive early (July 29th) and leave later (August 10th) I hope to schedule a tee time for him at St. A-n-d-r-e-w-s on his birthday (August 9th) .... he'll need a golfing buddy if anyone on the tour is interested .... and if he can get the day requested.

    Looking forward to meeting our small tour group!

    Denise & Jim :o)

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