River cruise on mid October clothing

What range of temperature can we expect on the mid October Amsterdam to Budapest trip?Are jackets and ties required at diner or just sport coats?


  • Ok. So can someone explain the difference between a sport coat and A jacket?
  • Perhaps it depends which side of Jermyn Street dresses you?
  • ronin1952 wrote:
    What range of temperature can we expect on the mid October Amsterdam to Budapest trip?Are jackets and ties required at diner or just sport coats?
    I just returned from this excellent cruise. The usual diner atire on the ship was dockers and sport shirt. The coat issue primarily involves the very fancy dinner in Vienna. The men on this trip predominately wore a blue blazer and many to most wore a tie. I wore a tie and blue blazer with beige dockers. Any type of sport coat would have been fine. I would advise bringing the tie. You can talk to other men and see if the tie will be worn by others in the group. In my opinion this dinner warrants dressing up a bit. It is pretty clearly the highlight of the cruise. I hope this helps and that you are as lucky with the weather as we were. You will have a great time.

    Greg Jones
  • Hi Ronin, since I really do not know the differences between a jacket and a sportcoat in American terminology, then I will concentrate on the weather. If you go to the Tauck webpage for your specific tour and look at the Before You Go section, you can see the weather temps there for the areas you will be visiting. The first thing that jumps out at me is that you will require some sort of coat most of the time anyway, especially once the sun goes down. The highs are in the fifties and the lows in the forties. Once the sun goes down in most of Northern Europe, whatever the time of year, the temps can go down significantly, unlike in parts of the U.S. when it can be too warm all night. The upside of this is that it will be much more comfortable site seeing and it will be much less crowded at the major tourist sites. If you go to any weather website you can check a last minute ten day or month forecast before you pack your bags. Hope this helps.
  • Hi Ronin a Sports Coat comes in a light weight material and a variety of colours and patterns. Jackets on the other hand are worn with a suite. Also Blazers are a solid colour and have four small metal buttons on the sleeve as well as on the front this can have either a double pleat or single pleat in the back. This is the info I have experience perhaps there is a better explanation of this. In most cases all are excitable. Katoe

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