Free time/golf

We are going on the Best of Ireland tour in September and wondered if there might be an opportunity with free time to play 9 holes of golf. Both of us would love to do it at least once while there if it were at all possible. Not essential, just something we would enjoy. Thanks.


  • We are on a Sept departure as well (small group). We are not golfers but there are at least two threads in the Best of Ireland forum that address this topic. There is free time, but I don't know if it is enough to play more than 9 holes at Mt Juliet (can't say if you are on one of the departures that will be staying at Lyrath instead of Mt. Juliet), Ashford Castle, and Lough Erne (a golf resort). In one thread, Tauck Emily cautioned that there may not be sufficient space to bring your own clubs, but a final answer was never posted. They have rental clubs but you should bring shoes. Be prepared to golf in the rain and wind!

    Maybe someone who has actually played golf on this tour will weigh in. You can also check with our TD the first day at Ennis.
  • Hello. My husband and I did the 14 day tour of Ireland, three years ago. We were overwhelmed with Ireland. It was beyond FABULOUS. The people are the kindest you will ever come in contact with. We talk about our trip almost weekly. We were just talking about the Ashford Castle and Mont Juliet today. We have our computer photo opening to the Ashford Castle. We had photos of Lough Erne and one other place we visited, blown up at Costco for our walls. They made canvas displays for us. I even have Ashford Castle as my house contact on my cell phone. The sad problem was that we had very little time at either Ashford, Mont Juliet or Lough Erne. There was a choice of getting a massage or going to doing falconry at Mount Juliet. My husband didn't have clothes/shoes appropriate to wear in the mud. It was pouring rain. We barely had time to get our massages in before dinner was served. On our particular tour, there definitely wasn't any time, at any of the hotels - to play any golf. Our tour was so time constrained, we barely had time to catch our breath. You will have a wonderful time. We are so envious. Keep in mind that it rained almost 24/7, but it didn't matter in the least.

    Elaine Obermann

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