
I will be on the Sept 20 Philadelphia to Washington DC tour. I will be coming in a day early. Am looking for suggestions of activities/places to see while there. Preferably, within walking distance. Thanks


  • I live in the Philly suburbs, so tell me what your interests are. please just check that is not when the pope comes to visit Philly. I will be returning from my Tauck Italy tour.I If it was me visiting, I would probably recommend you visit the Barnes Foundation in its new home near the Art Museum, it takes many hours to do but is fantastic. If you love Impressionist art you will be in seventh heaven and the rought iron work is also very good. When you have finished the site seeing tour that Tauck offers, my next best suggestion would be to visit the National Constitution Center. I walked past the Sofitel just four days ago, we stayed in the city overnight, which we often do so we can enjoy wine with our food and take in the latest special exhibition somewhere or just people watch. We also vist the theatre a lot, our favorite is the Arden.
  • Thank you for the reply. I have looked into the Pope's itinerary and he is doing the reverse of this trip (starting in Washington DC and ending in Philadelphia), dates not same as when we will be in those respective cities.

    I love impressionist art and thus will definitely have to check out the Barnes Foundation.

    I also love history, one of the reasons for doing this tour. Will also check out the National Constitution Center.

    Thanks again for the suggestions.

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