St. A-n-d-r-e-w-s Option?

We are doing the Week in Scotland tour in August and are particularly excited about visiting St. A-n-d-r-e-w-s, one of the options offered on, I believe, day 6. Can anyone who has done this trip before or someone from Tauck let me know if there is opportunity for a walk about the Old Course, photo op at Swilcan Bridge, and/or a little shopping at the pro shop? Thank you! ????⛳️


  • What is the date of your trip. Mine starts on Aug. 6.
  • Yes you will have several hours in St.Andrews on your own ,ample time to walk on the course, shop, eat, run or sit by the Chariots of Fire beach. Terrific town, really only three parallel streets, easy to walk the whole town. We did this trip last year in August and it was our favorite of the 8 Tauck tours we have done so far . Almost everyone on our tour took the option to go to St Andrews even though it is festival time in Edinburgh and were happy they did. Enjoy the Tattoo- great night ! Bring layers, we bought gloves to keep warm.
  • edited July 2015
    I heard they were planning to bulldoze the Old Course at St. A n d r e w s after this year's Open to make room for condos. (Just kidding)
  • Thank you for replies! Especially helpful MTneer! Hope we make it there in time AlanS!
  • wonderful town,golf shops everywhere. Even just sitting on benches by St. Andrews Bay is enjoyable-lots of places to eat also. The bus will pick you up either down by the Old Course or at the other end of town by the Cathedral ruins. The local guides and guest speakers throughout tour are terrific , Culloden battlefield and museum is an excellent stop. We have been to St Andrews twice and can't wait to go back. Kingsmill hotel in Inverness you stay in a new separate bldg that is quite nice-especially if you read some reviews-the negative ones are actually about the old section. We went a day early and hired a person (Graham)to do a private hawk walk at Loch Lomand and we also walked to Loch Lomand Shores shopping area if you come a day early also both worth it. Off on our 10th Tauck Tour soon.

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