October 18th Small Group Tour


My husband and I are taking our first Tauck Tour to Italy. We wanted to get acquainted with our fellow travelers. We live in Southern California, but are from Philadelphia. We are arriving a day early, as other travelers have suggested. Very excited to see this beautiful country!


Cindy & Tim


  • I'm on this tour, traveling alone, and I also hail from Southern CA--Pasadena to be specific. This is my first trip to Italy, a place I've wanted to see for many years. I'm also arriving a day early. I look forward to meeting you and the others.

    Esther Wender
  • Hi! My husband and I just booked the small group Classic Italy tour for Oct 11-25. So excited as this will be our first trip to Italy. We are going for our 30th wedding anniversary. I would also like to know if anyone has any free time must sees and restaurant recommendations. Is it advisable to arrive in Naples on Oct 10th and why? Would be nice to "connect" with some other members of this group beforehand as well.
  • edited September 2015
    Clodsy the reason some people suggest arriving on the 10th is to avoid the possibility of missing the start of the tour if there are flight delays. Also. Some Americans suffer from jet lag, but not all, it depends what group you think you may be in. I like to arrive two or three days early, because I do get jet lag when I travel in an easterly direction, west is not half so bad. Tauck tours are just that. Tours, so it is certainly not a vacation but almost continuous on the go things which is what you expect and pay for. We love their tours, but they are tours and not vacations, so I think it is a good idea to prepare in advance and if you can arrive a couple of days early , you will enjoy the tour much better. In addition, you can take some relaxing site seeing in of the things the tour does not include before the tour begins. Tauck seems to deliberately miss out a few key sites at the beginning point of the tours because they do encourage people to arrive early too.
  • Essy, looking forward to meeting you!

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