Extra Days in Melbourne - September 2015

My wife and I are signed up for the Grand Australia/ NZ tour and are really looking forward to it. We will be arriving early and will have about 1.5 days in Melbourne. I know Tauck provides a city tour but any suggestions beyond the city tour that could be covered in a day trip? Thanks in advance!


  • edited July 2015
    Please take a look back at the previous posts and you will find numerous suggestions. Do not rely on the titles of the threads as they often deviate and you might miss some great suggestions. I usually start by looking at topics with the most replies when I am starting to research a trip but pay attention to the changes that have been made in a few of the destinations or hotels. It is a great start before doing my own research on line for which there is no substitute. Then you will also find unknown gems when you get there, that happened to us in NZ despite our diligent research, we were surprised to discover and visit Zeelandia and loved it!
  • Hi setabt,

    Gosh, 1 and a half days isn't much time! However, why don't you tell me what sorts of things interest you and I can make some suggestions. There are so many suggestions I could make ... but it would help if I knew you were into urban architecture, colonial or post modern art, gastronomy or fine wines and wine growing, museums generally, botanical history and public gardens, shopping, the natural world, vintage trams, river walks ..... I need some clues! As a Melbournian, I'm happy to help.


  • One of the best experiences we had on the entire tour was to see the Little Penguins on Phillips Island, about an hour south of Melbourne. We went with the Little Penguins tour bus company, which has a small van that takes about 10 people. No frills - stops at chocolate factories and the like - and it leaves Melbourne later than the other tours so you can maximize your touring time in the city. We explored the "alleys" where the cute shops, stores and restaurants are. Also recommend some kind of trip on the water for a view of the compelling architecture in Melbourne. Have fun!
  • Definitely The Phillip's Island Penguin Parade is something to see if you have the extra day. But a full day tour which will include the Koala Preserve where you walk with them is even better. And the seals at Nobbie Point. Here is a link to one such tour: http://www.viator.com/tours/Melbourne/Phillip-Island-Penguins-Koalas-and-Kangaroos-Day-Tour-from-Melbourne/d384-2230M10
    Check with the concierge at the Hotel as soon as you arrive to check their brochures and recommendations. We did and that was a fabulous highlight to start the tour.
  • Look up


    They have a number of tours, including the penguins and atrain ride

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