Budapest to Amsterdam August 27, 2016

Seasoned Ocean cruisers, this will be our first River Cruise. It's a year off, but we are making pre cruise plans.

We're both pretty excited, any others joining us on this cruise?


  • Hello Seaworthy1 ! We are a couple from the UK booked on the Grand European Cruise Aug 2016 but we're starting a few days before you, in Bucharest. It's certainly a long time to wait but I'm sure will be worthwhile. It will be our first river cruise and our first journey with Tauck. I'm already thinking about careful packing plans! When we applied, several other cabins were already booked so perhaps we shall hear from others...
  • If you haven't already done so you might want to read my post
    I was on the July 2nd Budapest to Amsterdam river cruise.

    I know you will enjoy it, hopefully as much as I did.
  • RGM2 wrote:
    If you haven't already done so you might want to read my post
    I was on the July 2nd Budapest to Amsterdam river cruise.

    I know you will enjoy it, hopefully as much as I did.

    Thanks for your report, it makes our cruise seem more real.....
  • We did that trip last Sept/Oct. It was such a great trip. I would do it all over again!! We met the nicest people on our trip who we are still in contact with. Have a wonderful journey!!
  • Less than 3 months to go! Getting excited.
  • About 38 days to go and getting excited ..
  • One month to go - very hot in NJ - any idea as to temperatures to expect on this tour?
  • Hello Seaworthy: We are two couples from Texas also sailing Budapest to Amsterdam on Aug 27th..Like you we are seasoned ocean cruisers but also like you this will be our first River cruise. We are sure it will be terrific. Look forward to meeting you.....Chas
  • JoyceS wrote:
    One month to go - very hot in NJ - any idea as to temperatures to expect on this tour?

    Just like us, their weather isn't any easier to predict. A day or two before you leave do an internet search for 10 day forecasts of your main stops.
  • Looks like it will get progressively cooler as we move from south to north - think we will bring a jacket/sweater.

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