Classic Italy arrival on sept 13, 2015

Arriving late on 9/13/15 . Excited about the trip and meeting our fellow travelers. We are originally from Virginia and have recently moved to Florida. Anyone else flying British airways out of Orlando on the 12th at 8:05 pm?


  • We are originally from NY but now live in Ocala, FL. We arrive on Friday the 11th. Look forward to meeting you.
  • We are traveling from NY arriving on 14th. Looking forward to it as well...this is our belated honeymoon and we have never been on a tour or to Italy.
  • What day does your trip begin? We leave from LA the 14th for our tour that begins the 16th. Were staying the first night at the Sorrento Palace before the tour begins. Our first. Celebrating our 25th anniversary.
    Jorel and Vanessa

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