Electrical outlets

We are going on the trip to China on Sept. 15 and would like to know about the outlets.
There are several kinds of 220 V outlets including Great Britain and Europe. Which one or both of the outlet converter types should we bring with us to Hong Kong and China.


  • Check out -

    It's a world-wide graphical guide showing the type of outlets and plugs used in most countries around the world.
  • Ravi, where were you when all the outlet debate came up recently!
  • An option that many like is using a converter vs. adapter.\
    TARGET stores sell one that has on the front a 220 hole, 110 hole, & 2.1 amp usb port and has all the different types of plugs for the back so you can plug in the back to whatever configuration. The advantage there is you can plug in your powerstrip/surge protector into the 110 & then plug in all your gadgets ( 5, 6, 7 depending on your strip)into that. 1 spot to charge all the phones, cameras, shavers, camcorders, tablets, etc.
  • Thanks so much for all the info. I got the all in one. :)

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