What Does a Mountain View room at the Banff Springs Hotel Really Look Like?

Tauck provides us with a standard Fairmont Hotel Mountain/Bow River Valley room at the Banff Springs Hotel on this tour. The 200 sq ft standard room (unless you get lucky with a larger room) is nothing special. The views out the tiny window can be quite pretty as my room view was. The hotel itself is beautiful and is worthy of extensive exploration. The gym and pool are lovely. The nearby Bow River Waterfalls must be visited. To see the 1 minute video of this room, please go to the You Tube link below.


Summary: A standard, but smallish (by Tauck standards) room in a great setting!!!


  • We just returned from the Best of the Rockies tour. It was outstanding. The room at the Banff Hotel was great, small window but a great view to the mountains, etc. Don't forget the hotel is very old and does not have spacious view windows. The hotel in general is outstanding. About a one mile walk into town, nice place to browse and check out the stores. Our room at Lake Louise had an amazing straight on view of the lake, mountains and glacier. If the weather is ok you will have a great trip.

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