
I would love to see elephants on this trip, but not captive, abused elephants that are used for tourist to ride on. This would actually really upset me and I hope Tauck does not support unethical elephant tourism. Does anyone know if wild elephants are seen on the safaris?


  • Hi hellokelly,

    We do not do anything with elephants on this trip and the possibility of even seeing one is remote. There are no wild elephants in the National Parks. The only elephants the you may see (again unlikely) would be the elephants in Kanha that are used to track the tigers.

    Hope this helps,

    P.S. Elephants are my favorite animals.
  • Thank you Emily. I'm really excited about the trip to India and I hope to see a lot of other wild animals. In the future I'll have to do one of the African safaris to see wild elephants. My friend loved the trip she went on with Tauck.
  • edited August 2015
    I've only taken the Spotlight on India tour. The animals we saw were domesticated/and some running wild such as dogs, all look the same, plenty with puppies in tow and all along the roads, some looking pathetically thin, pigs rummaging in the trash heaps along the road, cows wondering everywhere, in and out of stores, in the road, on flights of stairs and all their patties in the road or watching the women making them into fuel patties for their fires outside their homes and putting them in neat stacks. Camels along the road carrying goods, the same with elephants. Monkeys, noisy peacocks in the grounds of the hotels, lots of other birds, but I especially remember the hundreds of vultures in the skies around the smoky soup type air of Delhi, circling and circling looking for dead cows and trash to gorge on. Those are the ones I remember right off the bat.
    I am thinking there are too many people who take up too much land for many wild animals.

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