Northern India & Nepal Oct 29 - shoes?

Hubby and I are going on this trip and i am conflicted about shoes - sneakers best to protect feet? or are sandals OK? Would some heavier shoes be better? Looking foward to the trip! Our first with Tauck.


  • edited August 2015
    Hi. I went on the Spotlight on India tour so I can only speak for the areas that overlap. Looking at temperatures for the Katmandu area I think you will probably need shoes and socks for the cold. Everywhere else, I 've been to and was glad to not have any possibility of bare skin having any chance to be in near contact with where I walked. Not only are there cows roaming and pooping everywhere, but there are men passing urine all over the place. Never a day went by that I did not observe that on the sidewalk. So if you asked me for any tips, I would say, don't wear sandals, wear shoes you can wash easily when you get home or just throw away at the end of the vacation. Also be sure you carry a lot of plastic bags so you can isolate your shoes very well from the rest of your luggage as you travel from place to place. India is a wonderful tour but most mentally challenging of all my tours.
  • British - thank you very much for your advice. I will plan to wear some closed and protective shoes! I do think we are in for some new experiences! Best!

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