portugual and spain july 1 2016

i know its a year away but my husband and I, and my thirteen year old daughter will be going. was just curious if anyone else booked on this trip yet.


  • Hi JoAnne. My husband and I are booked on this tour for the same dates. I am 44 and he will be 50. We are Canadians from the east coast. This will be my second Tauck tour (I went to Paris and Provence last summer with one of my best friends). We are dropping our daughter off at summer camp on June 30 and then taking an overnight flight to Lisbon to arrive on time for the July 1 departure. At present I'm trying to convince my husband to add on 2-3 extra days to go to Barcelona, but he doesn't wish to be away from work for more than 2 weeks. This will be our first trip to Spain and Portugal.
  • edited January 2016
    Hi Anne, we will be looking forward to meeting you. We did Tauck's classic Italy tour about two years ago, and loved the trip. We had a great group of people we met, and everything was top notch. We also have never been to Portugal or Spain. It is our first trip there. we are going a day earlier, using our gift of time free night. since you also took a prior tour with tauck, you are entitled to an extra day before or after the tour. not sure if you knew about that. we also wanted to extend to barcelona but we also have to get back to work also. Again, we will look forward to meeting you. I am sure it will be a great trip. Stay well. See you in July JoAnn
  • Just to clarify. The gift of time is only offered during certain time frames. It is also subject to availability. One year we could not get it even though we qualified for it according to the parameters. Otherwise, we have been successful getting this perk for most of the tours that we plan well ahead of departure date.
  • JoAnnb wrote:
    i know its a year away but my husband and I, and my thirteen year old daughter will be going. was just curious if anyone else booked on this trip yet.
  • JoAnnb wrote:
    i know its a year away but my husband and I, and my thirteen year old daughter will be going. was just curious if anyone else booked on this trip yet.
    My husband and I will be on the July 1 Spain and Portugal. He is a little nervous about going to Europe but I convinced him. We are from Florida. We are good walkers and have no trouble with a fast pace. Hope we have a good group and that the weather won't be terribly hot, although we are used to hot weather.
  • Hi Karenoa, We are from New York and also have a condo in Florida. We will look forward to meeting you guys on the tour. Our first tour with Tauck to Italy was excellent, so I am sure that this one will be just as good. We are also a little bit nervous, but am trying not to give in to fear. All is in God's hands. I am sure it will be a beautiful and memorable trip. See you on the tour. JoAnn
  • We were from New York, Brooklyn and Long Island, but we are full time in Florida now.
    We live in Valencia Shores in Boynton Beach. Where is your condo?
  • we have the condo in Port Saint Lucie. We live in Brooklyn our whole life, but we plan later on either retiring in florida, or going back and forth. New York has gotten to hard to retire in. Our youngest is going to high school so we have a little while. We will be looking forward to the tour, and meeting you on the tour. stay well.
  • It sounds like we have a nice group for the July 1 tour. Like many of you, my husband was a little nervous about going on this journey given the events in France and more recently Brussells. Hopefully all will be well and we look forward to meeting you.

    We enjoy travelling and are in great physical shape. We plan on doing additional sight seeing during the breaks that Tauck is giving us during the journey. I've been leafing through Rick Steeves guide on Spain for some ideas.
  • yes, i think we will have a nice group, and will have a great time.

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