
how is laundry handled on this trip
are there machines at the hotels or local laundries


  • You will be staying in Oberoi hotels, Oberoi customers can afford to get their laundry valet done. If you want go to the local laundry, be prepared to go down to the local river and share the space with the People washing themselves and the sewage, that is India, it's wonderful!
  • Jim, we usually travel a month at a time, and laundry is a significant consideration. Perhaps like me you don't mind sending shirts out to be done but can't see paying more to wash underwear than it is worth. In my case too, I am old, underthings are sometimes soiled, and I can't imagine asking anyone else to launder them--even some Dalit at a fancy Oberoi. For a few years now I have travelled with disposable underwear. I use a brand called 'Onederwear', made of very light, woven cotton cloth that feels as comfortable as regular underclothes. For disposal you can use the arrangements at hotels for women to dispose of sanitary napkins. As you probably know, American-style laundromats are hard to find even in Europe. They are plentiful in the United States only because so many Americans are too poor to have washing machines.
  • edited August 2015
    Yuck, gross, for once even I am saying TMI! The tour is only a couple of weeks, you can get by with washing a few pieces of underwear in the sink on days when you have at least a couple of nights in the same hotel, that's generally what we do, rarely get laundry done, we can take enough clothes to get by and in the allowance of luggage Tauck suggest. Alternatively, if you don't like to carry a suitcase of dirty laundry around, organize your underwear so that you take along some older undies to wear the first few days and throw away as you go, hoping the days you wear your old undies are not the ones you find yourself in the hospital where the staff make commences about your ragged smalls. For most of the India tour you will be taking along lightweight garments you can layer when it is colder in the mornings, nothing takes up much room. Enjoy the tour, most of the people you meet will not be well dressed apart from the handsome hotel staff in fabulous uniforms. You will see very few women, they are kept away indoors.
    I disagree with the lack of laundromats in other counties, they are usually in the poorer areas, where their are plenty of households that are not even big enough to fit a washer and dryer, not near the hotel areas. I've never lived in a town where there was't a local launderomat in Britain.

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