Train travel question?

For anyone who has been on the venice, rome and florence tour . It looks you take the train from city to city my question is will the tour group have someone escorting us to the actual train or will we have to find our train on our own?
And the same when arriving in each stop will there be someone with us the whole ride to then take us to our transfer or are we on our own?


  • See my reply under your other post in the Italy forum.
  • We did Venice, Florence Rome April 2013...Debi our TD with us from beginning to end of our week, even shared taxi with her to the rail station as we ended our week going to Umbria. No matter who your TD is, you won't be floundering around on your own in the rail stations or on the train. I do caution you though to be aware of your surroundings in each of the cities (and anywhere in the world) as well as the rail stations which can be magnets for pickpocketers. In other words have your wits about where you are.

    Venice has a wonderful opera house, you do a self tour, magnificent building with interesting history.

    Ciao, Stbarthfan

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