Dinner wear in the riverboats

Please help me with what is appropriate for dinner on the riverboats. Do men need a jacket?

Also, I'm wondering about the weather in early October. We start in Budapest and end in Amsterdam.
Thank you


  • Short answer, no a jacket is not required on the river boat itself. The welcome/farewell dinners on the river cruises "suggest" dressier outfits for those occasions and this specific cruise has a special occasion meal where it is required. Given the time of year for your cruise, I'd recommend having a sport coat (and ladies evening wrap/sweater) for sitting up topside on the boat as it will be cool/cold and you don't want to miss out on one of the best parts of a river cruise - sitting topside sipping Moet & Chandon as you admire the view.

    Here is the specifics from the Packing List for the Amsterdam/Budapest cruise:

    "A sport coat and tie for gentlemen and a dress/pantsuit for ladies are suggested for the welcome and farewell dinners. Please note that our Imperial Evening in Vienna is a slightly more formal occasion, and a sport coat for gentlemen is required."

    This was copied from the Packing List tab on the Tauck webpage for this cruise. You will also find useful information under the Before You Go tab (including average weather for the regions you'll be in), the Accommodations tab and past posts on the travel forum for this and other river cruises.

    Keep in mind, the weather is a historical average. Before your final pack out, do an internet search for the 10 day forecasts in those regions.

    Have fun.

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