Booked on the Jan 16, 2016.

My husband and I are booked On the Grand Australia and New Zealand trip, Jan 16 to Feb 4, 2016. Would live to hear from anyone else on that trip.

Understand the weather will be hot in Australia and pleasant in New Zealand at that time. We are arriving on the 12th so have time for jet lag and sightseeing trips. Food, wine and penguins sound great. Have ordered the brochures and books on the areas so will do the research before going. Open to suggestions also.



  • I did the full day trip down the Great Ocean Road. It was well worth it. Several companies do the trip. I did it with Go West. It was a memorable part of my trip seeing The awe-inspiring 12 Apostles.
  • cjpal wrote:
    My husband and I are booked On the Grand Australia and New Zealand trip, Jan 16 to Feb 4, 2016. Would live to hear from anyone else on that trip.

    Understand the weather will be hot in Australia and pleasant in New Zealand at that time. We are arriving on the 12th so have time for jet lag and sightseeing trips. Food, wine and penguins sound great. Have ordered the brochures and books on the areas so will do the research before going. Open to suggestions also.

  • Hi. I am a single traveler and will be on the Jan 16th tour. Looking forward to meeting everyone and to seeing a new 2 countries. Trying to figure out what will be the warmest and coolest weathers on this diverse tour. Suggestions appreciated.
  • Hi, check the temps Tauck provides on their Before you Go section of the website and then go on any World weather website, put in the places you will be visiting and look for averages for the times you will be there. Just before the tour, look again and put in the ten day or one month forecast and see what comes up. That is the best anyone can do. The rest you have to chance with Mother Nature and Varied and Adaptqble wardrobe!
  • We did this trip beginning in mid-February...the temps in Melbourne and the Outback were very warm. Loved the hop on and off tram through Melbourne as well as the tourist bus...both give a great overview of this wonderful city! Saw a special performance at the Melbourne Gaol. About Ned much fun of you have read about the Ned Kelly Gang. Be sure to rise early and walk along the river to truly experience the vibrant life along the river...crews rowing, people running and so many walking to work! This tour was one of very favorites!

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