
Immigration crisis

I'm booked for the Blue Danube western trip October 16th. I'm concerned about the immigration crisis and if it is impacting the Blue Danube itineraries at all.


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    Hi Cridder66,

    Tauck's Global Response team has been in contact with our local suppliers and tour directors leading groups in the area, who have reported that though confrontations have occurred in several locations in Europe as large groups of migrants have clashed with local authorities, we are aware of no instances where Americans, tourists, or tourist sites were the focus of any disturbances. To date, additionally, there have been zero impacts to any Tauck groups traveling in Europe.

    As the situation remains fluid, our Global Response team will continue to remain in close contact with our local suppliers and Tauck Directors leading groups in Europe, and will continue to monitor media reports from the region. In the unlikely event it becomes necessary, we stand ready to adjust our daily sightseeing and/or other itinerary components, but at this time, and based on all available information received to date, we will operate all upcoming departures as scheduled. If there will be any changes we will provide an immediate update.

    As always, the safety and security of our guests and employees remain our highest priorities.

    I hope this helps!
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    This does help. Thank you!!

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