Laundry Service on MS Inspire?

Just received my Travel Documents for the 10/7 Departure from Basel and read through the "Riverboat Information" Section. Lots of info re boutique, beauty salon, fitness center, etc., but I can find no info re the availability of either laundry service or self-service laundry facilities on this boat. Can anyone shed some light??

Many thanks in advance!!

Joe Navarro
Orinda, CA, USA


  • I was on the Savor, a sister ship, last month. They do not have self-service but there was laundry service. I sent a pair of slacks out one evening and they were in my cabin the next day when we returned from sightseeing. The cost was 6 euros. There was a price list in the cabin in the bag that you put the clothes in. It was mentioned on the back of the daily guide that was in each room, but I never saw it written elsewhere.

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