Clothing for Classic Italy Oct. 21

I've read that most meals are dress casual and that jackets/ties and dresses are not required. Coming from the US, we all used to dress well for theater, church, etc but that has changed drastically over the years. Is Italy still a little more formal or have they gone very casual as well ??


  • It was casual. I would not wear jeans out to eat at night, but just dress like you would for a nice night out.
  • Thanks - that'll be helpful when packing :)
  • Make sure you pack pants that cover knees and shirts that cover shoulders. All churches require this for even children in Italy and you may just want to walk in one to check out the art work.
  • Will do - thanks again for the helpful advice :)
  • Be sure to check the weather forecast everywhere you are going before you go. We took this trip from September 30 -- October 14. The weather for the most part was absolutely beautiful. The one exception was San Gimignano -- where it was pouring and freezing. The entire bus made a beeline for a store with sweaters and jackets. I still laugh about buying a Champion jacket from Rochester, NY. All I cared about at that point was having a jacket with a hood and being warm! Great trip. Enjoy!!
  • If you would like to go to the Roman Forum ask the TD. The day we did the Colosseum a few of us went in for free on the group ticket. They have no choice, but to get a combo ticket.
  • Good to know - you are just a wealth of information - thank you :)

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