November 1st trip

This will be our first trip to Italy for my husband and me. We keep hearing wonderful things about tauck tours and are looking forward to the trip. With less than a month go we are wondering what to pack. Do people really dress up for dinners? Does my husband need a suit jacket or would a neck tie and long sleeve shirt be appropriate?


  • Your main influence for clothing at this time of year will be the temperatures, you may well need a jacket to be warm enough in the evenings.
  • We just got done with two other Italy tours. I would suggest that your husband bring a suit jacket or blazer. At nice restaurants in major cities in Italy, people tend to get dressed up. While "on-tour" restaurants won't kick you out for being under dressed (saw some of our group in golf shirts), I think he would be more comfortable in a jacket. As our tour director said, "It's hard to be over dressed for dinner in Italy, but you can definitely be underdressed."
  • Thank you both for the information

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