Mar 3 trip - should you sign up pre-trip for activites/

lynd wrote:
I am going on the Grand Aust/NZ trip March 3rd and was wondering how to or if I should pre-sign up for the hot air balloon, Sydney Opera House? Any advice? Also, coming in a day early and wondering what special things to do for a day and half prior to meeting the group. Any good restaurants anyone can recomment? Much thanks!

When we did the Sydney Opera House they offered tickets to us half price. I had already bought mine, but some on tour went to concert and some when to the ballet.

You sign up for the hot air balloon when you book. Mine got cancelled so they paid me back for it. The weather did not cooperate.

The day of start of tour I did some things that was not included. I recommend the immigration museum. There is a park behind the hotel that I enjoyed walking in every morning. I flew in a few days early and did the long day to do the great ocean road. You probably can't do that cause it is a 12 hour day.


  • We lucked out on our tour and got some of the few remaining tickets for a production of South Pacific that was the one that was on at the Lincoln Center fairly recently. The acoustics were wonderful, there is no need for the actors to wear microphones. A word of warning. Our tour itinerary as published was changed, we found out on our arrival in Australia, we had no advanced notification, so it is a good job we had not booked the tickets in advance because we might not havebeen free on the date, it was the Sydney part that had been shifted around.
  • Go see the penguins! It was a wonderful experience. We took the Express VIP tour from Gray Lines. We were picked up at the hotel at 3:20 pm and returned at about 11.

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