Hotel Club level and executive levels

Hi, This is my first Tauck tour (and I hope many more to come.) Just curious if as guests of the hotel and Tauck's clout, do we have privileges to the hotel "Club level and or executive levels", usually drinks and snacks? What special perks do we get with the hotel? I am arriving 2 days early and want to take advantage of any perks that would be available. Thanks, Tina


  • There appear to be no perks like you describe, you will be in a Tauck level room, breakfast will be included, but I believe tips are not on the pre-stay apart from transport from airport and bellman tip on arrival. You will never ever need extra snacks on a Tauck tour, you will be inundated with food from start to finish. Alcohol? Quite a lot of included alcohol, especially on the New Zealand part of the tour. Enjoy!
  • Out of 13 trips, we have only had club level access in two hotels: The Langham in Auckland (where they no longer was pretty out of the way, so I think that was a carrot) and the Shangri-La in Bangkok. Now that was some drinks and food (dinner-worthy selections ) from 5-7:3o pm! We were in a special wing and it was wonderful. I seem to recall hearing that they didn't want Tauck to switch over to the Oriental. For the most part, the hotels and room locations are so wonderful, we don't mind having to spring for a few drinks in the bar or lounge!

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