Question about transfers

I will be arriving (May 6th) a day early and Tauck is putting me up at the Amstel Intercontinental. Will they transfer me to the boat on the 7th or do I need to get to Central Station?


  • edited November 2015
    Tauck will pick you up at the airport and take you to the Intercontinental on the 6th, then take you from the hotel to the riverboat on the 7th. Just be sure to give them your flight/arrival info well in advance (you can do that by phone or right here on the website). Below is what the Tauck website says under the "Before You Go/Inclusive Prices" tab. (I added bold/underline). If you haven't read it you might want to read all "Before You Go" information.

    " If you choose to arrive earlier than the cruise departure date and arrange with us for additional night(s) at the Intercontinental Amstel Amsterdam (the departure of July 2 will have arrangements at the Sofitel Legend The Grand Amsterdam and the departure of September 10 will have arrangements at Hotel De L’Europe), we will provide you with transportation from the airport/train station to the hotel and also from the hotel to the riverboat on the first day of the cruise."

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