Dec 12th 2016 Vietnam Cambodia and Thailand

We are a group of 4 couples from NY and Florida. Possibly another 1 or 2 couples will be joining us. We are very excited to be going on this trip. Plan to arrive on day tour starts and hoping that isn't an issue. Husbands say it's enough time out of office!
Does the tour take us to the floating market in Bangkok? Did it a couple of years ago and it was a highlight. Want our friends to experience! Also wondering if mosquitos are a problem in December? Also- does anyone know how the weather is then. Hoping warm and sunny and no rain!
Anyone else on this trip? Looking forward to hearing from you!


  • December is a good time. In north of Vietnam, it's a little cold, in Thailand, it's good and rarely rainy both. I think Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand have a lot of wonderful destinations that you should arrange the time to explore. Where will you visit there?
  • In December, it is often cold in Hanoi and especially in North-western region such as Sa Pa. Snow occasionally comes and leaves but it might get colder than one expect. Prepare warm clothes or you might be trapped in an undesirable flu. Also bring a lot of lip balms and hand-cream, for the dry weather may make you suffer intensely. As you move southward, it is not as dry and cold. There are pleasant breezes and the sun is on until late afternoon. You can refer itinerary at
  • If you go to the Tauck website for this Tour and then select 'Before You Go' -> 'Preparing To Go' -> 'Weather' you can see the average temperature and average rainfall for Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Bangkok for every month of the year.

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