Packing for Two Trips

Are you booked for the February 2016 trips to the Galapagos and Essence of South America ? I'm traveling on these concurrent tours and I'm looking for luggage and packing tips. The weight and luggage size limits seem daunting. Did you pack a walking stick? Also, if you have traveled on the Essence of South America tour did you locate the Jewish community sections? Look forward to your replies. And if you are traveling on either or both of these tours, I surely look forward to meeting you.


  • I know it is not popular, but you should not over pack and wash out as you go and plan on going to Laundromat at some point. I usually pack for about 1 1/2 weeks on any trip and wash shirts and underclothes as I go. I imagine it is harder for men and, also, it is harder if taking sweaters for warmer weather.

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