How's the food?

We love Tauck and we're considering going on this trip to Italy. Can anyone comment on the food on the tour? Italy is such a great place for eating we want to make sure we're not missing out. Thanks


  • I took Classic Italy tour a few years ago and loved the food in Italy and on the tour. Going on Northern Italy tour in the spring and can't wait to experience the food again.
  • If you expect the food in Italy to be similar to 'Italian' food you get in the US, you will be disappointed. If you want real Italian food, you will like Italy.
  • I definitely want real food - we've been to italy a few times already, just not with our kids. I want to make sure this trip goes to real restaurants and not just buffet type meals.
  • I went on the Italian Lakes, Venice, Florence and Rome tour last May, and the restaurants that were part of the tour were great. The breakfasts were all buffets, but other than the day we arrived in Venice around lunch time, when we enjoyed a buffet lunch at the hotel, we were at "regular" restaurants and ordered off the menu. There were also several meals that were not included, so we had the opportunity to sample other restaurants.

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