Grand Australia and New Zealand - 4/25/2016

My wife and I are from The Villages, FL. We are arriving a day early in Melbourne and staying a night longer in Auckland. We are plan to go to Hobbiton the day the tour ends from Auckland. We are considering going to see the Penquin parade on Day 2 of the Tour in Melbourne. Also considering some White Water Rafting in Queenstown during the free time.

Anyone else planning anything interesting for any of the Free time periods during the Tour?


  • This is a wonderful tour which I know you will enjoy. It is 18 months since we went on this tour and I know they change things around, but white water rafting was included at Queenstown. I would suggest you look at the schedule carefully before setting your plans for doing "on tour" free time activities because after 7 Tauck tours we have found they keep you pretty well occupied.
  • I would agree with Richard that white water rafting is included in the tour and it is probably the most heart pounding thing I have ever done, topped only by the actual bus ride around the very narrow and very steep drop off at the side of the road that you have to go along to get to the start of the white water rafting. I had done white water rafting before this, but this experience eclipses it a hundred times over. I loved it!
    I am not sure you will have sufficient time or the energy to do the long trip to the Penguins. I did not go there, because the extra days before the tour began, there is plenty to see and do in Melbourne and time to start recovering from jet lag. As I understand from research and reading hints here on the forum, you just get to see the Penguins coming/going to the water at dusk. While I am sure they are cute, I've seem enough Penguins in their natural habitat not to want to bother going on a long bus ride for such a short experience after a first day of site seeing while still getting over jet lag. Just my personal opinion of course, after reading about what is involved.
    Hobbitonn is also a two hour drive from Auckland, again here is much more to see in Auckland on the extra day. You will also be really tired after the tour ends. Please do more research about the tour and distances, times before booking things you may wish you had not.
  • In addition to the other wise and useful thoughts, may I suggest an alternative to the long trip to Phillip Island for the penguins. Yes, they are penguins, doing penguin things, but they are unique. They are the smallest species and they find their home on the southern coasts of Australia and New Zealand. (Your trip won't take you to the NZ sites.)

    A short taxi trip from your Melbourne hotel with take you to the St Kilda colony. Everything you need to know is here: Plus, I'm sure the hotel concierge will be able to assist you.

    Most people who arrive in Melbourne after a long haul flight, even the locals, suffer from jet lag. Even kids get it ... and I am guessing you're not kids! I have been told regularly on this forum that Americans don't suffer from jet lag, but I think you might be at least a little travel weary from your journey. You have a busy trip ahead of you. And since you aren't arriving early, be kind to yourselves! (One day early does not constitute "arriving early".) A bonus for your time of travel is that dusk is earlier and a short trip beats the longer one to Phillip Island, lovely though it is.



  • I might point out that perhaps some of the commenters are confusing white water rafting with the jet boat experience? There was no white water rafting on the tour in 2014.
  • Yes, you are correct, apologies! The jet boat ride beats any of the several white water rafting I have done!

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