Great Barrier Reef

I do not swim (get totally discombobulated when I get water in my eyes), so I assume that I will not be snorkeling at the Reef. Besides the submersible, are there other activities for non-swimmers??? Can I go into the water and bob around or is it too deep? Should I bring water shoes? I will bring my bathing suit.


  • I am sure you can bob about in the water with a life vest on and feel secure. The reef is in the middle of the ocean, you should not need water shoes. You do not want to stand on any reef anyway, that is how it is damaged. I snorkeled, swam and went onto the submersible several times. Find the quicksilver website, the company Tauck use to get to the reef and look up other activities, I'm thinking there was a helicopter ride but cannot remember for sure.
  • Yes life vests are provided. There is helmet diving where you do not even get wet and semi submersible glass boats. The reef is beautiful.

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