

Unfortuntely, we've waited too long and the Tauck tour we wanted to take to the south and north island of New Zealand are full.
Does anyone have another tour group (perhaps rated lst and 2nd) that they could recommend?

Many thanks -



  • Put yourself on the waiting list for that tour. You will be surprised how often people will cancel. Great tour by they way.
  • British wrote:
    Put yourself on the waiting list for that tour. You will be surprised how often people will cancel. Great tour by they way.

    Really? I'd be worried that we'd be stuck out there! I'll think about it and thanks for the suggestion. Phyl
  • Not sure what you mean about being stuck out there. Have you called Tauck and asked about going on a waiting list for the tour you want. You will get a better service than going through an agent. also, sometimes, if their tours sell out, they add additional dates.

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