Extra day in Auckland - Suggestions?

Hi - We have an extra day at the end of our Australia/New Zealand trip in early March, and looking for any suggestions on how to spend it? Would appreciate any insight - thanks!


  • Take a side trip to the Bay of Islands. Even a day trip is better than missing out entirely.


  • wfjakszta wrote:
    Hi - We have an extra day at the end of our Australia/New Zealand trip in early March, and looking for any suggestions on how to spend it? Would appreciate any insight - thanks!

    We went to the Aukland War Memorial Museum. It is more of a cultural museum than a war memorial. Take a cab. it's a long, uphill walk from the hotel. We ate dinner in SPQR, a local Italian restaurant.
  • We are Lord of the Rings geeks, so we spent our extra day on a tour to Hobbiton. We loved it, but if you have never seen any of the Lord of the Rings or Hobbit movies, it would be less meaningful. If you do decide on Hobbiton, I highly recommend Bush & Beach as a tour company.
  • We grabbed a picnic lunch and spent part of the day on a black sand beach in Piha. It ws a great way to chill out and recall the wonderful experiences we had on the trip. It's a memory to last a lifetime. Have fun. Ed and Vicki
  • Are you going on the March 16th trip?
  • They probably went March 2016
  • Not much help, I am afraid, but there is one thing which we felt was missing from this tour. At Wellington there is a trip around the museum to learn all about history and culture. The "other half" of that story needs a trip far up north to Waitangi where the treaty between the British and the Maori population was signed in 1840.
    Much too far for a day trip from Auckland, but maybe someone from Tauck might read this and consider ways of completing that ancestral story.

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