Yellow Fever Vaccination

Can anyone tell me if we have to get the Yellow Fever Vaccination in order to enter Bolivia on this trip? I've been researching this and half of what I read says yes & the other half says no. I would hate to get there & be quarantined in Bolivia because I didn't get the vaccine. On the other hand, I don't really want to get it if its not necessary.


  • I only have a partial opinion here as I probably won't ever be traveling to Bolivia and you have obviously done your research. My comment is. Is this likely to be the only 'exotic' country you will be visiting, or is it the beginning of a number of trips? If it was me, I would get the Yellow fever vaccine now if the answer is yes, since most people are nervous about getting the vaccine because of the supposed risk as one gets older. I had the vaccine in 2007, no problems. I was thinking I needed a second dose this year for my travel to the Botswana tour, but I have another year before ten is up. Also, countries are changing their requirements for a second vaccine after ten years, and this is literally changing all the time as more countries are accepting the research that suggests a second vaccine is not required.
    Only you can decide whether you want to risk being denied entry into Bolivia if Yellow Fever is required because Tauck clearly state it is YOUR responsibility to get the correct shots, not theirs.
  • Thanks so much for your reply. You brought up a great point regarding "exotic" countries. This will be my first and I'm thinking the vaccine is the way to go. Enjoy Botswana!
  • Hi Catwood, l guarantee this will be your first trip of many. Would love you to post on the forum when you return.

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