Guinness Storehouse

We will be on the Best of Ireland tour this June and are interested in taking the Guinness Storehouse tour. Does anyone know if we will we have any "free time" in Dublin for this? Thank you.


  • We haven't been yet (we are on the 28 July departure.) Here is what it says on the Tauck website itinerary for:

    Day 12 . . . . Travel to Dublin, have lunch, and meet your local guide for a walking tour that includes a visit to Trinity College, Dublin, home to the Book of Kells. The remainder of the af­ter­noon and evening are yours to experience a bit of Dublin's nightlife, where you might enjoy some traditional music or visit popular pubs.

    Day 13- It doesn't say if there is any free time.

    The Storehouse is about a 30 min. walk (9 min. by car) from the Conrad, Dublin (a tad shorter from Trinity College).

    From the Storehouse website: "The Guinness Storehouse is open 7 days a week 9.30am - 7pm (last admission is at 5pm). . . . . .The Guinness Storehouse experience is a self-guided tour. We recommend allowing at least 1.5 hours to explore, but you can stay for as long as you like. We've never been ones for rushing. You do not have to book in advance, but we recommend it. Booking online before your visit entitles you to a 10% discount on adult admission as well as the opportunity to skip the queue on arrival. However, all guided tours do need to be booked in advance."

    Based on the above, I would say you will be able fit in a visit to the Storehouse, but maybe someone who has been on the Best of Ireland tour can give a better answer.

  • On the last day of tour in Dublin, Tauck tour bus will drop you off at Guinness Storehouse. About half of our group went then. We stayed extra day in Dublin as Gift of Time and went then. Awesome visit, and a pint at the end with 360 degree views of Dublin! I would recommend you go to the Guinness website and pre-buy your tickets for the day you want on-line. Discounted and no lines to buy tickets there.

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