Republic Day Impact?

We are on the 22 May Classic Italy, Small Groups departure.

We arrive in Venice on 2 June, Republic Day- Festa della Repubblica (Festival of the Republic), is a national holiday. It celebrates the day when Italians voted to abolish the monarchy in 1946 so their country could become a republic. I gather it is big deal, kinda like the 4th of July in the US.

Our itinerary for that day says:

In Venice – St. Mark's & a walking tour... and the Doge's Palace, after hours
Classic Italy vacations – small group style – continue with a journey via high-speed train to Venice.

Transfer by canal boat to your hotel, conveniently located near St. Mark’s Square; after lunch, get an introduction to Venice on a walking tour. Visit St. Mark’s Basilica then explore this romantic city on your own. Later, join us for a Tauck small-group Italy vacations exclusive: an after-hours guided tour of the Doge’s Palace – with its lavishly decorated rooms and Venetian masterpieces – including the legendary Bridge of Sighs, and the palace prison. This centerpiece of wealth, power and culture commands your full focus without the distraction of crowds, with the ability to enjoy it at your own pace. Dinner is on your own tonight – from fine dining to intimate trattorias, dining in Venice is a pure pleasure!

Does anyone have first-hand knowledge or experience being on tour in Italy during Republic Day? I may give Tauck a call on this one.

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