eagle creek bags

The carry-on bags provided by Tauck for the overnight in Cusco or Machuu Pichuu are also excellent as a carry-on for commercial air to and from Peru. I think Tauck made a point of packing them rather than using them before the trip, however, while they are great and useful bags, they take up a lot of space in the suitcase. Any rational reason I cannot use my Eagle Creek bag from Tauck as my regular carry-on? Thank you.


  • edited February 2016
    I've used the various styles of Tauck provided bags for carry on in the past. My favorite was the one that had part of it zip off and that part converted to a small backpack that I used quite a bit on planes. That was an old design and the past few I have received have been lighter in weight and come in a carry bag. I don't know if the bag you get for Peru and Bolivia is different, but I did not think the bags I have received from them for my past few tours have taken much room at all in my suitcase. On return home, we have used one of those bags as an extra checked bag to make more room for anything I might have purchased in my main bags or the phenomenon that occurs when you try to repack a bag at the end of the tour, it never packs as well as when you left home.
  • When do you get these bags, and for what reason?
  • received bags 4-5 days ago. They are for the overnight to ? Cusco when we cannot take our full luggage on the train.. Literature says we would receive them 2 weeks prior and we received them one month prior.
  • Thanks for the information. We weren't aware so this comes as a most pleasant surprise! We are on the 7-6-16 trip and eagerly await the experience. If anyone has gone on this trip previously around the time we are going, please share your experiences. I welcome any comments on the weather and the bug situation. Thanks fellow travelers!

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