England, Scotland & Wales - Mens Sportcoat

We will be taking the tour in June 2016 and was hoping that someone who had been on a previous tour could comment on the need (or not) for a sport coat for men. I have been on 9 previous tours with Tauck and have not taken a sport coat along on the last 4. This tour looks like there will be some "fine restaurants" as well as a dinner and theatre night.

Previous travelers on this tour... if you took a sport coat did you need it. If you didn't take a sport coat, did you feel out of place.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



  • edited March 2016
    I took E, S, W in 2013 (slightly different itinerary- theater was on our own and not part of the tour).

    I and probably 1/2 or more of the men took and wore a sports coats or blazers, at least for the welcome diner. In reality, we really didn't need them. Far fewer men wore jackets to the farewell dinner. Europe weather was hot in 2013 so most of the men who wore jackets to either dinner didn't wear them long- many removed coats and ties before or during dinner.

    Here are photos taken at the welcome dinner at the Sheraton in Edinburgh and Farewell dinner at the Tower of London (notice the difference!):

    Cocktail hour before welcome dinner:


    Farewell dinner:


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