The Sweet Life Rome & Sorrento June 22 2016

We are booked on this tour. Anyone else going? We have 2 boys (ages 17 & 15) and 1 girl (age 11). Really looking forward to it.


  • We are going as well. We have a 14 year old daughter and 13 year old son. So excited for this trip!
  • edited March 2016
    Hi. We just booked this tour. I have a 15 year old son. We booked because there were going to be other teenagers going. Can't wait. Where is every one from? We are from New Jersey, US.
  • edited March 2016
    Here is a tip for new people on the forum, when you are introducing yourselves here and hoping to start some communication with fellow travelers on your tour, it's good to tell your first name at least, otherwise you will be asking for Tcsepe, Kaywest and Gab22 at the welcome meeting and everyone else not on the forum will think you are weird!!! Funny!
  • Thanks for the tip. ☺️ My name is Gail, and my family and I are coming from Atlanta, GA. Looking forward to meeting everyone
  • Great idea! Hi again - my name is Kristin (also known as Kaywest!). We are coming from New Jersey - Morris County area. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
  • Hello, everyone,
    I'm Dan. I'm coming with my wife Jenny and 7yo son Gabe.
  • Hi again. My name is Teresa (TCSepe), and my husband is Dik, and son Ethan. Getting excited about trip it is coming up fast!!
  • Hi, we are Judy, Howard and Charlie - 2 grandparents and a 13-year-old grandson. Looking forward to this adventure!
  • Hi. I am taking two granddaughters, ages 11, just finishing 5th grade. We are arriving on Saturday morning in order to get our time changes coordinated to Rome time. Hoping to find some of you on United Flight 40 from Newark on Friday evening, July 21. Also, thinking of a casual outing for Saturday that the girls will enjoy. Looking forward to meeting our trip mates and exchanging some information before we leave. Myra Wrubel
  • The original post was for the 2016 tour

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