Family Fun Along the Seine: Paris to Normandy Forum

Welcome to Tauck’s Family Fun Along the Seine: Paris to Normandy Forum - Find the answers to your trip questions, answer questions posted by fellow travelers, plus share your Tauck experiences and stories. Stop by often and join in on the discussions.


  • My son is 18 and is going on the June 28th trip with his grandmother. We had a wonderful time on our Bridges tour last summer in Europe. I'm just wondering (as is he) how many other teenagers will be on this trip! Have a wonderful time!
  • Hi there, we will be on the trip starting June 27, 2018. Our family includes my husband, my daughter, and my husband's parents. We are so excited! My daughter will be almost 7 on this trip. Any other kids (not teenagers) on board this trip?
  • Note the date of the previous post. I don't think you're on the same tour.

    If you don't get any responses you might call Tauck and ask for a number and age breakdown for your tour. They'll give you that but no personal info.

    Have fun. We did the Seine last June on the non-Bridges version. Giverny was wonderful.

  • Gefdenver wrote:
    Hi there, we will be on the trip starting June 27, 2018. Our family includes my husband, my daughter, and my husband's parents. We are so excited! My daughter will be almost 7 on this trip. Any other kids (not teenagers) on board this trip?


    I'm Jenny & my husband & our 9 year old son will be on the Family Fun on the Seine tour starting in Paris on June 27, 2018. Can't believe it will be here so soon! I just thought I'd reply to you, Gefdenver, since your daughter is close to my son's age.

    We did a Tauck Bridges Italy land tour with our son when he had just turned 7 years old & it was wonderful! We are currently learning about France & Normandy & looking forward to our trip!

    See you soon!
  • Hi Jenny, thanks for your reply! This is also our second Tauck Bridges tour. We did the Amsterdam to Basel last year (Castles on the Rhine?). It was so great we rushed back and booked this one.

    We will definitely watch out for you! They are small tours so I am sure we will meet.

    See you soon!

  • So nice to hear from you, Gretchen. Looking forward to meeting you soon!


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