in-country plane travel
I'm curious about the size/safety of the in-country planes that are used to shuttle around different regions. I'm wary of smaller planes as a whole, but recognize their necessity. Anyone have experience or care to comment on if I'm worried without cause? Specifically we will be on the Tanzania Grand Safari.
See post #3 by Tauck Emily in this thread.
See (my) post #9 in this thread. I include photos of the planes. I also recently posted the first photo below taken at the Arusha airport which shows our bags and one of our aircraft. Also see the shot of the aircraft interior taken from the lucky guy who got to sit in the copilots seat during the flight- me!!!!!
I am a private pilot and retired Naval Flight Officer and I felt safe on all four on-tour flights on the K&T Classic Safari which uses the same aircraft as your trip. They are safe and the view is fantastic. You only have one on-tour flight and it is to and from hard surface runways (not dirt like Ngerende airfield in the Masai Mara.)
I had seen some of the earlier posts, but this is exactly what I needed.