Hair Dryer Availability

Will there be hair driers in each of the hotels that we will be staying at on the "Best of Ireland" tour in 2016?


  • Just in case no one who has been on the tour answers your question. I have not been on this tour, but it is most unusual for there not to be hair dryers in Tauck hotels especially in somewhere like Ireland. Unfortunately, when you open up the tab on Accomodations on the Tauck website, only one mentions hairdryers, so instead you can go to the individual websites for the hotels to see if it mentions it. If not, you can do the quickest and easiest thing and call Tauck and ask them. In British hotels and households, there are not usually outlets for electrical appliances in bathrooms apart from a special outlet just for shavers, this is because of the 230/240 volts electricity in Britain and Ireland. So you have to find an outlet in the bedroom to use hair dryers and curling tongs, the latter often blow fuses, so be careful.
  • Will there be hair driers in each of the hotels that we will be staying at on the "Best of Ireland" tour in 2016?

    My wife and I took the Best of Ireland Tour in 2014 and stayed at the same hotels as on the 2016 tour except for the Conrad in Dublin. They all had hair dryers and I am sure the Conrad will as well. We had a great time on this tour and I hope you will as well.

    Greg Jones
  • We've been on several tours with Tauck and have never ever wanted for a hair dryer -- even in the Outback of Australia!Do not bother to bring it!

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