NJ traveler to Europe on July 30

Hi everyone,
I am traveling on this date with my folks. Has anyone ever been to Budapest? what is there to do? We rented an apartment for a few days prior and want to sight see the city. I don't want to do the things that will be covered in the tour that Tauck will be giving on day 2.
Someone I work with said that there is a lot to see in the city from the parliament building to the shoe by the bank of the river memorial. Any suggestions?



  • This seems to be a common sort of question - not just this location but others. People can tell you what they enjoyed but that may have no interest for you. No use someone recommending an art museum if the idea of it puts you to sleep.

    A better approach might be to google "budapest top sightseeing". You'll get a ton of suggestions from sites like lonelyplanet.com, tripadvisor.com, etc. Compare it to your itinerary, look to see how far it is from where you are staying, are they open on the day your want to see them, etc. Then if you have a specific question about a museum, or sight, etc come back here and ask. You'll get some pretty honest feedback from people here.
  • edited April 2016
    Hi Jeff

    Someone I know suggested the Castle Hill Walking Tour around Budapest.

    Here is a link (https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=zVNG24e0gPWM.k4aBxhdNshKk&hl=en)

    By the way we are going on the MS Espirit on 30 July. hope to see you there

    Good luck
  • Claudia's suggestion is, as always, excellent. Even so, I do have a couple of suggestions for you. One of them is to look at the itinerary for Tauck's fantastic Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna, and Prague land tour. It was one of our favorite Tauck tours. There are sights mentioned there in Budapest that are not listed for the tour you're taking. The one for Dohany Synagogue is one of my favorites. It is Europe's largest and it is magnificent! Behind it is the wonderful Holocaust Memorial which was unveiled in 1991 in memory of the 600,000 Hungarian Jews killed by the Nazis in WWII. It was partly funded by contributions from the Hungarian American Actor Tony Curtis. It is in the form of a weeping willow. Another suggestion is a visit to Gerbeaud's pastry shop. The building itself is beautiful and worth seeing even if you don't indulge in the delicious and probably overpriced pastries. Also visit the Great Market Hall. It is huge and covers several floors. All kinds of fresh meat, fish, veggies, paprika, etc. are available there. Even if you don't buy anything, it is well worth seeing. Also, you should visit the Herend Porcelain Shop. Once again, even if you don't buy any of the very expensive pieces, you'll probably never see such a wonderful array of their beautiful items anywhere else. I hope you enjoy your stay in beautiful Budapest. To us, it is one of Europe's most magnificent cities!
  • oh believe me, I am ready. I am staying at the Marriott Executive apartments from the 28th-30th.
    Does anyone know which dock the boat will be? I want look online to see if we are close to it.

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