Peru and Galapagos

Due to travel to Peru and Galapagos departing on May 3. Any info on how the earthquake will affect the trip?


  • edited April 2016
    I think you have to call Tauck about this. I assume they are busy with lots of enquires about this at the moment and the forum is not regularly monitored. My guess is that if the airport is open and the road to your hotel is clear, the hotel is likely to be ok, we have stayed there. Or maybe they have given priority to give accommodation to the rescue workers and those involved in rebuilding. Maybe water and food supplies may not be in good shape, who knows? My feeling is that Tauck will let you know as soon as they can. They might offer you just the Peru portion only or your money back, so many possibilities. Be assured Tauck will have your best interests at heart, unfortunately these situations happen all too frequently and Tauck knows how to cope or make the best of things. We loved our Galapagos tour so much that we have the same tour booked next year.

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