difficulty of walking to sights

Concerned about level of difficulty - we really want to see the ancient sights of the Aegean, but have not gotten in nearly good shape...


  • You need to look at the Health and Activity points on the tour page and the Overview where it talks about levels of fitness and pace. Then talk to a Tauck representative and decide if you can miss some things out or cancel your tour. Have you spoken with your doctor too?
  • I thought this was a fairly rigorous trip. You will be walking so over many uneven surfaces, and, depending on how much you like to explore on your own, there can be a good amount of walking. Also, I don' t know when you are thinking of taking this trip, but we went at the end of May/ beginning of June and found it very warm in a number of places. The heat became a factor when there was so much stone in some of the sites conducting the heat. It is a wonderful trip, but most of the sites require quite a bit of walking to truly appreciate them.

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