Additional security in France

I will be on the Provence to Paris trip from June 12 - 20, 2016. Are there currently limitations or revisions to the agenda due to security? Will the Euro 2016 soccer championship from June 10 to July 10, 2016 impact the agenda or other considerations?


  • I think this requires addressing with Tauck by phone or email. This forum seems to be less and less monitored for questions like you are asking. If it might impact whether you would cancel your tour, then it is worth calling them especially if you do not want to end up with no alternative they could give you. These days I am sure Tauck monitor their itineraries on a day to day basis due to the latest terrorism threats, events like the soccer championship and for river boat tours even the river levels. Tauck say they aim to give the tours as advertised and certainly in our experience it has happened about 95% of the time on the tours we have taken. The other percent, things have been changed at the last minute, some we could understand, some we could not, only a couple of the times were not what we thought was to our advantage. We have always given feedback on the comment cards and always recommend Tauck 100% to all who ask.
  • arleneb wrote:
    I will be on the Provence to Paris trip from June 12 - 20, 2016. Are there currently limitations or revisions to the agenda due to security? Will the Euro 2016 soccer championship from June 10 to July 10, 2016 impact the agenda or other considerations?

    We signed up with the State Department to receive updates by email. I would highly recommend you register before the trip.

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