June 8th - Southbound

Am traveling solo and curious if anyone else reading these boards is on the same trip?

I am staying an extra day in Athens, and have booked a private driver to take me to Delphi and Thermopylae as well. Would be willing to share the ride with up to two others if anyone is interested.

Getting close now and I can't wait!


  • edited May 2016
    MarioG wrote:
    Am traveling solo and curious if anyone else reading these boards is on the same trip?

    I am staying an extra day in Athens, and have booked a private driver to take me to Delphi and Thermopylae as well. Would be willing to share the ride with up to two others if anyone is interested.

    Getting close now and I can't wait!

    Mario- we are not on this trip, hopefully someday. Anyway, I have checked it out and even done some preliminary planning. Like you, I was interested in going to Delphi. Actually, back to Delphi since I visited there about 30 years ago. Back then and likely still, it is a bit of a drive from Athens, but is an interesting and iconic place. Many say not to miss it. However, everything I have read about Thermopylae (TripAdvisor and Tauck forums- there is a thread here somewhere, etc. UPDATE: oops! Here is the link to the thread- you participated.) tells me it is a bit of a drive farther and truthfully not worth it. Other than one or more markers/plaques, there is not a lot to see. I'll be interested in your review when you get back.
  • Yeah, it was me who actually started that thread. :)

    I went back and forth on Thermopylae for a while, but in the end decided I would give it a go. Apparently they have added more items of interest in the past couple of years, so we'll see. I doubt I would accomplish much else that last day if I only did Delphi, so I guess I will be the guinea pig and report back on it. :)
  • edited May 2016
    MarioG wrote:
    Yeah, it was me who actually started that thread. :)

    I went back and forth on Thermopylae for a while, but in the end decided I would give it a go. Apparently they have added more items of interest in the past couple of years, so we'll see. I doubt I would accomplish much else that last day if I only did Delphi, so I guess I will be the guinea pig and report back on it. :)

    You might as well go for it. Have a great trip! We'll be looking for your post trip report! I hope you find some companions to share the cost. That worked great for us on K&T Safari last year.

    We had the same thought process about visiting Pisa while on Classic Italy, Small groups. Though extremely touristic, how can you go to Italy and not see Pisa and the Leaning Tower?!?!? Gotta get that photo holding up the tower In the end we added a visit there during a free afternoon plus other side trips before and during the trip-

    We are off to Italy in two weeks, so will post reviews afterwards for those who may be interested. We arrive in Sorrento 2-1/2 days early. We'll just take it easy and stay local the first afternoon/evening, but we booked a car/driver & guide for Herculaneum, the National Archaeological Museum, the colosseum in Pozzuoli and additional sites if there is time, on the first full day. The next day, before the welcome dinner, we head off to Capri/AnaCapri,Blue Grotto, etc. also with a guide. While not cheap and I don't know how it will work out, but we hired a guide rather than doing it on our own. I'll address reasoning and how things worked out on the Classic Italy forum once we get back. During our first of two free afternoons in Florence a driver/guide will be taking us to Pisa, then, the following afternoon we have a Segway tour of Florence lined up. Even though there is free time in Venice we figured we would be pretty tired by then so will play it by ear, though Murano, Burano, or both may be possibilities. As ndvb and others here have said, there will be time to rest when we get home!

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