Packing for weather


I did this tour four years ago. I looked through my photos to remind me of what I wore. In some of the photos, I only had a long sleeve shirt while others I had on a medium weight jacket (not down). When I was above the Arctic Circle in Grimsby, I wore wind pants. I would suggest wearing a hat because there are numerous birds in certain locations. I did not have a problem but it gave me comfort knowing that my head was protected.

I am not sure in what way you are concerned about your mother. The ship is very comfortable. When off the ship, buses usually transported us to the different locations. The most walking, that I remember, was when we were above the Arctic Circle. At one location, we had to take the tender in, but it was easy to get into it.

I will answer other questions if you have them. This is a tour that I hope some day to repeat, because it was so interesting.



  • Kathy
    We are looking at the trip for 2018 and would love to hear more from your experiences.
    Did you stay longer in Reykjavik? Is it easy to get around / taxis ? Any places other than the tour we might enjoy ?
    Did you like the ship ? What did you enjoy during the cruising time ?
    Monica ????
  • We just booked July 2018. We will sail on a new ship, are you aware of that? It is being built now.
  • The 2018 tour is totally sold out. We put our names on the 2018 list and booked a couple of weeks ago when it opened. Yes, it is on a new ship and The itinerary is not the same. We have to chose tours on three of the days before the trip starts, I wish that was not the case, but there we have it. Hoping to make the best choices for our interests.
  • Anyone sailing with us the end of July 2018?

    Where is the information about having to choose failing tours for next years cruises Would like to study the options.

    Thank you.
  • I just found out we get a list of options 30 days prior to sailing. How we reply is still a question.
  • Kathy
    We are looking at the trip for 2018 and would love to hear more from your experiences.
    Did you stay longer in Reykjavik? Is it easy to get around / taxis ? Any places other than the tour we might enjoy ?
    Did you like the ship ? What did you enjoy during the cruising time ?
    Monica ????

    I know that I am late, by months in responding, but I do not spend a lot of time on the Forum as I am busy traveling. A great guide book that I have found over the years is Eyewitness Travel Top 10. I believe there is one for Reykjavik. I spent a couple of extra days there. We rode the Hop On Hop Off bus around the city. I enjoyed the Settlement Museum which is the archaeological remains of their first people. We also went into the huge church which was on Tauck's tour, but by going there on our own, we were able to go to the top and get a fantastic view of the city.
  • MonaD wrote:
    I just found out we get a list of options 30 days prior to sailing. How we reply is still a question.

    I looked at the tour with the options. I am sure that you will receive details on each of them and then will have to call, but I am not sure. As far as the options listed. I saw Godafoss and it is one of the most impressive waterfalls that I have seen. Also the Osvor fisherman's hut was interesting. I learned about that life from the past.

    The island of Vigur is interesting if you like wildlife, particularly birds. We saw quite a few Arctic terns and eider ducks. We learned about the processing of eider down.

    I hope that this might help. You could also go directly to Ponant's site and see how they describe their optional tours.

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