I want to play golf

On the Aug 11, 2016 northbound cruise. Looking to play golf at one of the ports if there is a day where we are off the ship all day long & return to it at same location. Can anyone help (already have a round reserved in Monte Carlo)


  • We were on the French Waterways cruise 2 years ago and a group of guys played golf while we were in Avignon. Our french TD made the arrangements - taxi, rental clubs, etc.

    However, we had 2 full nights moored in Avignon. From reading your trip's itinerary it looks like the ship cruises from Arles to Avignon the afternoon or evening of day 4 (if you are lucky the ship will arrive in Avignon at sunset with a fantastic view of the walled city/palace as we did). Then day 5 a tour of Avignon in the morning. I suspect the ship will leave Avignon during lunch to go to Châteauneuf-du-Pape. It takes about 2 hrs. The wine tour also takes about 2 hours then back on board probably heading for Viviers during dinner/overnight. You might be able to squeeze in 9 holes in the morning.

    Your itinerary looks pretty tight so I don't see much opportunity.

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