Pompeii - Sights

I have been to Rome before. I'm excited for this trip to see Pompeii.

I'm interested in anything related to ancient idolatry, as well as wine consumption.

I have read that there is a excavated wine bar in Pompeii where you can still read the menu on the wall:
For one "as" you can drink wine
For two you can drink the best
For four you can drink Falernian.

This blog suggests this location:08_14_2014_2.jpg

I'd like to find that.

I wonder if anyone from Tauck reads these forums...


  • If it is like the classic Italy tour, you do not roam on your own. You follow a guide.
  • edited June 2016
    I am currently on Classic Italy, Small Groups. We went early and visited Ercolano (Herculaneum) before the tour started and Pompeii two days later as part of the tour. I know we saw one or more wine shops and similarly looking food vendors like in your photo, and providers of other "services", but I don't specifically remember one with a readable "menu." Many shops (even houses of ill repute) at both locations, especially Ercolano used pictures showing their wares and services, since many of the customers were sailors and others who couldn't read Latin. A quick Google search will tell you what you want to know.

    That being said, you will be on a guided visit, so your local guide will select the places you will see during your short visit. It will depend on what is open, where it is located, and what the crowds are like.

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